Friday, August 24, 2012

RA: Health Concerns of Computer Use

Title: Computer health and safety

Author: Lasa Information Systems Team
Publisher: Lasa Knowledgebase


In the United Kingdom (UK), legislation has been positioned to respond to the growing need of computer usage and its effects to users' health, focusing on computer users in the workplace. Problems related to computer usage like eye strain, continual and recurring discomfort, numbness and stiffness can pose long-term health risks. Preventive measures that should be put in practice by employers include the provision of a healthy, safe and non-straining workplace, properly and suitably positioned furniture and materials necessary for work processes and, medical assistance for prevention and treatment of work related health risks.

What I learned

We all know how technology has brought a lot of things and how it made almost everything possible. In the past we used to just use mechanical type writers and photocopiers. Now we can have it all done just conveniently in front of the computer. Workplaces benefited enormously from the emergence of computers. Work processes in, if not all, almost all industries have evolved in almost all levels. Rather than going through the usual 15 minute walk to the library for the printed book you are looking for, you can retrieve your reading list via your online class community, then download it to your tablet's drive then read it as you enjoy lunch. We chat with our friends over web based social networking sites instead of running down the stairs and reaching for your land line. We do not even need to stand in line at the grocery because we can have them ordered via the internet, then delivered right at our doorstep.

We learned how to make use of technology to our advantage. In the event, we got immersed into it and, one good thing, we realized how the best of it has a price. Employing such media as the internet and the internet evolving into a repository of the different facets of life as it is, has increased our exposure to computers and devices with display monitors. If books in the library gave some people paper cuts, that flat screen LCD monitor though which you proofread the articles you write for your boss can cause eye strain and can even chronic back pain. New life processes: new complications. With the evolving media by which we stay connected to our family, at work, in school, etc., it is recognizable that the regulations governing work processes in consideration of employees' and users' welfare should be adapted and enforced.

In 1993, a law was passed in UK providing regulations on health and safety when using computers in the workplace. It suggested ways on how to suitably respond to the physiological effects of increased computer usage, which is currently growing more in more. The law had placed the much needed attention to computer users health and other health risks posed by technology. This can serve as a benchmark of user protection and security policies in private companies and in libraries as well. As an employer, customizing a policy in response to the growing needs of your employees with regard to prevention of computer or technology related health risks would not only ensure the continuity of production but also the trust and security of of your constituents. In the library setting, making user that users get "breaks" from computer usage would help establish trust and rapport between information professionals/librarians and users. A written policy visible to the users of your library or information center about computer usage, its effects on health and measures that address the said effects will help build security and a sense of community among users, with a common feeling of being taken cared of using information.

There are also local efforts that recommends evaluative measures of computer usage so as to determine if the said usage is excessive or not. The Department of Labor and Employment Occupational Safety and Health Center has developed technical guidelines, basically some facts about computer usage and its effects on health, and some sets of questions that survey your usage with some suggested measures to ensure that computer usage does not result to health problems.


More definitive laws which are adaptive and responsive to changing demands should be legislated. Though this entails careful study of information behaviour and the effects of the media or environment by which it is transmitted to its users, it will be worth the time. Much like anything and everything in this world, technology will affect us in more ways than one. As information professionals, our job does not only include provision of information. The health and safety of library users is also of major concern. Upholding health and safety standards or policies will make your users secure. I myself would want to feel that the institutions I frequent especially those whose aim is customer service are concerned also for my health. This can help establish the role of libraries as information centers.



Department of Labor and Employment Occupational Safety and Health Center. (2007). Technical guidelines on safety and health for contact centers. Retrieved August 11, 2012, from


American Optometric Association. (1997). The effects of computer use on eye health and vision. Retrieved August 4, 2012, from

Lasa Information Systems Team. (2003). Computer health and safety. Lasa knowledgebase. Retrieved August 06, 2012, from

Paget, H. (2009). Long-term health risk tied to computer use. 9NEWS. Retrieved August 10, 2012, from

Williams, B. (2008). Health risks associated with extended computer usage. Ezine @rticles. Retrieved August 09, 2012, from

Electronic sources

The National Archives. (1992). The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992. Retrieved August 05, 2012, from

Friday, August 10, 2012

RA: Open Access Journals for Libraries

Title:  Framing the issue: open access
Author: Association of Research Libraries, Office of Scholarly Communication
Publisher: Association of Research Libraries


Access to information is important to the development of a society. There are however some factors that deter access to information. The rising prices of subscriptions, monopoly of electronic journals from commercial sources and merger acquisitions all have affected the public's access to information and the library's ability to purchase information sources for public consumption. Legislative and legal issues also have begun to interfere with the concept of fair use.

Despite these hindrances, open access has gained more ground through the collaborated efforts of various institutions. PubMed Central, BioMed Central and e-Print archive are examples of open access journals which are supported by organizations to promote and provide access to information at no cost to users.

What I learned

The role of libraries to provide information has been, since time immemorial, the core of library and information services. Despite the fact that libraries are usually non-profit by nature, librarians have made it possible to provide information needs of their specific users. Access to information however, especially in the advent of the internet has increased by a million-fold. Daily, more and more information sources are being added to vast online environment. The emergence of this unique property of the internet increased the demand for speedy-one-click-of-a-button access to information.

The wide array of sources and their availability and property to be transferred and shared in an instant have been however made a venue for commercial and private companies to draw profit from users, most especially in research and development. The prices online subscriptions to journal articles, periodicals, etc. sky-rocketed, building the difficulty for libraries to acquire information for public consumption. The right of the source of information or the authors have become, time and again, an excuse for these companies to increase their costs.

The open access effort is continually paving the way for users to get the information they need at no cost, or at the very least, at a very minimal expense. Examples of these initiatives are the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI), Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) and Public Library of Science (PLoS. All of which cater to users, free of charge. Some issues on copyright have been raised midst these efforts for open access. According to the Office of Scholarly Communication of the Association of Research Libraries (2004), open access is still compliant to the legal rights of authors and producers since agreements between authors and publishers or producers of open access journals because "authors still retain control over the integrity of their work" and as always, they still have the right to be acknowledged and cited.


Open access journals basically contribute to the performance of the role of libraries and librarians. Mostly scientific and scholarly in nature, these sources provide and help a society build its knowledge through the production of new information. Researchers bank on the availability of current peer-reviewed research to make way for new ones. This definitely would affect not only librarians but researchers from all fields of study. This however, may prove difficult to be achieved in environments like our country where all seems to come with a cost and everything is marked with a price tag, even if the service is only for research. Perhaps what information professionals and other capable disciplines or authorities should primarily recognize is the role of information in the society, how it can mold the society into development, and, that everyone should have access to information. Upon this realization, libraries should also establish their worth in the society to gain more support of commercial entities, the government and most especially the users.



Association of Research Libraries. (2004). Framing the issue: open access. Retrieved August 6, 2012, from

Suber, P. (2004). Open access overview: focusing on open access to peer-reviewed research articles and their pre-prints. Retrieved August 4, 2012, from

Suber, P. (2012). A tale of two bills: the Research Works Act and Federal Research Public Access Act. SPARC Open Access Newsletter, 163. Retrieved August 08, 2012, from

Web Pages

Lincoln City Libraries. General format. Retrieved August 6, 2012, from